Hand Fan Painting Workshop

  • We offer the highest-end painting pigments on the market, so you don't need to bring any painting tools. However, if you have a specific image that you’d like to draw, we recommend bringing an iPad or fully charged smartphone.

    In rare cases, our students may request to redraw a fan. In this situation, an additional charge of £10 is required to purchase another fan.

  • You will be able to take home a handcrafted gift fan created by yourself.

    In this workshop, the painting content chosen by each person is unique, so the content we teach will also vary. However, we will impart all the necessary painting techniques to assist you in completing the design of the fan.

  • These students have completed my watercolor short-term course (four sessions) and are currently attending their fifth painting class. When I first met them, they had no prior painting experience. If this is your first time painting, we can opt for some simpler painting content.

  • Watercolor Introduction workshop: This workshop is designed to teach beginners the fundamental techniques of watercolour painting.

    Watercolor Illustration Course: 3 sessions (over 3 weeks) that delve deeper into watercolor techniques, suitable for those seeking more in-depth techniques.

    Glass drawing workshop: our new course will be promoted starting in spring. Please sign up for the newsletter if you are interested.

  • Yes, and you will have a 20% discount by returning the same workshop. You can pick another sample or feel free to bring any artwork you want to draw.

Welcome to our Watercolor Workshop Focused on Gift Creation!

In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to reference and imitate fans of various difficulties, creating unique gifts. We offer a range of designs, from simple patterns to complex works, ensuring that every participant can find a project suitable for their skill level. Even beginners in watercolor painting can easily master our basic designs.

Personalized Creation: If you have specific pattern ideas or want to freely express your creativity, you are welcome to bring your own designs. Our professional instructors will provide personalized guidance based on your needs, helping you turn your creative ideas into reality.

About Course Difficulty: The difficulty of this course varies depending on the fan pattern you choose. If you opt for a more complex design but lack experience in watercolor painting, we strongly recommend that you first attend our beginner's watercolor workshop. There, you will learn all the fundamentals of watercolor painting, laying a solid foundation for creating more complex pieces.

Please check out the artwork of our previous students at the bottom of the page.

🎨: Difficulty level: ⭐⭐☆☆☆
🕙:3 hours


👥:  Up to six people

Tutor: Vencho Wang